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    A V E N I R  Q U E S T S

                                                     B A Z A A R                                                       
    (Pier on Bazaar)

 <*> (Jadestone) u, 4e, u, ask jadestone help
 <*> (Holm Gates) d, 2w, s, open gate, s, w, 4s, 2 search here for herbs
 <*> (Jadestone) 4n, e, 2n, 2e, u, give black flower to jadestone
    1-per-boot (?)
    (Pier on Bazaar)
 <*> (Jadestone) u, 4e, u, ask jadestone task

   ** usually (always?) she needs to deliver letter to Galerin - 
   ** he is in the baths

 <*> ) find Galerin, wait for reply
 <*> (back to Jadestone) give letter to jadestone
                NOCHIPA SILVE QUEST          
    (Pier on Bazaar)

 <*> (Jadestone) u, 4e, u, ask jadestone task
 <*> find the frightened human in the bazaar to get the key, he is hiding,
     kuko if you cannot find him
 <*> (Hideout) d, 2w, n, unlock door with key, open door, n
 <*> (Guardroom) open trapdoor, 2d, nw, sw, 3w, nw, n, ne, n, nw, 2n
 <*> (Papers) exa table, get papers from table
 <*> (Nochipa) 2s, 2ne, introduce me       - Nochipa must be alive        
 <*> (back to Jadestone) give papers to jadestone - XPs
   ** Jadestone wants you to accompany her to Infidels **

 <*> (Hideout) d, 2w, n, unlock door with key, open door, n
 <*> (Meet Jadestone here and lead her to Nochipa)
 <*> JD will attack Nochipa and will kill her
 <*> search corpse, cut head from corpse, give head to jadestone - XPs
          BACK SCRATCHER QUEST      
    (Pier on Bazaar)

 <*> (Junk Shop) u, 5e, s, tent, buy backscratcher
 <*> (Grizzled Human) out, 2n, e, ask grizzled human task, give scratcher to    
     grizzled human
    (Pier on Bazaar)

 <*> (Fisherman) u, 3e, 7 give 1 silver coin to fisherman (should give    
     you a net)
 <*> (Boat) 3w, d, board boat, fish with net (till you have 10 fishes)
 <*> (Fisherman) leave boat, u, 3e, 10 give fish to fisherman
        SMITH QUEST      
    (Pier on Bazaar)

 <*> (Blacksmith) u, 4e, 2n, w, ask smith task, ask smith artifact, ask smith
 <*> (Holm Gates) e, 3s, 2w, s, w, ask dwarf open gate, s
 <*> (Go to Holm and kill there shadow-elf with runed falchion)
 <*> (Find monkey on Holm and take it with you)
 <*> (Back to pier)
 <*> beat pipe, (wait for boat), enter boat
 <*> (Altar) 3sw, 2w, sw, 2s, w, 5s, ne, 3d, w, sw, 3n, wield falchion
 <*> sacrifice monkey on the altar, sacrifice falchion on the altar
 <*> (Wait for pool) get pool
 <*> Back to Bazaar smith, give pool to smith
    (Pier on Bazaar)

 <*> (Library) u, 4e, 3n, w, ask librarian task
 <*> (Wonder around and ask every person about book until someone remember
     the book, then find this person again and ask him/her about book again)
 <*> (Back to library) give book to librarian
    (Pier on Bazaar)
    <good alignment>

 <*> (Faerie) u, 2e, s, open gate, s, w, 4s, ask dwarf open gate, 8s,
     w, sw, s, e, se, s, se, e, 3s, e, push wall, ask faerie help, ask
     faerie creature, ask faerie key
 <*> (Creature) push wall, w, 5n, d, kill creature
 <*> (Key) enter fountain, take breath, dive into pool, 4d, sw, 2e, se,        
     d, n, e, se, d, 2e, u, search vines, get key,
 <*> (Faerie) take breath, dive into water, 2w, u, nw, w, s, u, nw, 2w,
     ne, 5u, unlock cage with key, open cage, get faerie from cage
 <*> (Out) back, u, 5s, e, push wall, drop faerie,
 <*> (Pier) push wall, w, 3n, w, nw, n, nw, w, n, ne, e, 7n, shout open
     gate, 5n, e, 2n, 2w, d
    (not solved, 7 bones are needed)        
    (Pier on Bazaar)

 <*> (Alchemist, vertebra bone) u, 5e, 4s, 2e, ask gnome wolf
 <*> (Femur bone) 2w, 3n, 2w, 5s, e, n, search fence
 <*> (Pelvic bone) - Holm
 <*> (Toe bone) - Holm SE part, bicorn area, search wall
 <*> (Mandible bone) - Holm SE part, bicorn area, search vines
 <*> (Rib bone) - In the upper level where the snake tail is go 2s,
     up its up in that level

 <*> (Skull bone) - On the right statue, 2s from the gates in holm

 arcmallen1507 ‎(12:41 PM): WOLF CARVING QUEST (Pier on Bazaar) 
 <*> (Herbalist) u, 4e, 5s, 3e, Ask gnome wolf, ask gnome bones (he gives 
 you a vertebra bone). 
 <*> (Femur Bone) 3w, 3n, 2w, 3s, e, 2s, e, n, exa fence, search fence (you 
 find a femur bone). 
 <*> (Skull Bone) s, w, 2n, w, 2s, give sybarun coin to dwarf (wait until you 
 are pushed through the gate), 2s, exa statues, exa right statue, climb 
 right statue (You find a skull.) 
 <*> (Mandible Bone) 5s, w, sw, s, e, se, s, se, e, 2n, e, exa vines, search 
 vines (you find a mandible bone). 
 <*> (Toe Bone) w, 4s, e, n, 2 ne, exa wall, search wall 
 (you find a toe bone). 
 <*> (Rib Bone) 2 sw, s, w, 2n, w, nw, sw, 4w, 6s, 
 u, 2e, ne, n, exa trees, search trees (you find a rib bone). 
 <*> (Pelvic bone) s, sw, 2w, d, s, sw, d, w, nw, 3n, 
 get pelvic bone. 
 <*> (Wolf Statue) 3s, se, e, exa wall, exa carving, 
 (7x) put bone in impression, sing over bones everytime the wolf 
 asks you to sing. 

    (Ship Sparkle-Subarus)
    <backpack, shovel, 2 torches>

 <*> ask staek concubine, ask staek logbook, ask staek captain, ask
     staek maya
 <*> (Maya on Bazaar) leave ship, e, 3s, e, s, se, 2s, se, 2s, 7se, 2e,
     3ne, board boat, leave boat, u, 4e, s, ask maya braston, ask maya
     ship, ask maya logbook, promise to return the logbook, open book,
     30 read book - turn page, give logbook to maya
 <*> (Fisherman -> Net) n, 2w, 10 give silver coin to fisherman,
 <*> (Boat -> Bottle) 2w, d, board boat, fish with net - get all from
     net (till you catch a bottle), open bottle, get parchment from
     bottle, read parchment
 <*> (Ship "Concubine" -> Bones) leave boat, 3sw, 2w, 7nw, 2n, nw, 2n,
     nw, n, w, 3n, 5w, nw, light torch, put torch in pack, dive water,        
     swim west, 2 dive down, swim north, swim northwest, swim north,
     open door, swim cabin, get skeleton, get bones, exa bones, get
     ring from bones
 <*> (Maya on Bazaar) swim out, swim south, swim southeast, swim south,
     2 swim up, swim east, climb ledge, 3e, 3s, e, s, se, 2s, se, 2s,
     7se, 2e, 3ne, board boat, leave boat, u, 4e, s, give ring to maya
 <*> (Isle of Dead Hillock) 5n, e, open coffin, enter coffin, close
     lid, (wait till you drawed to the beach) open lid, leave coffin,
     2s, sw, s, sw, 3w, sw, w, 2nw, 3n, ne, n, nw, 3n, 3ne, n, ne, 2e,
     ne, wield shovel, light torch, dig here, 30 burn naiad with torch,
     dig hole, bury bones in hole, get gems
 <*> (Ship) 2w, sw, s, 3sw, 3s, se, s, sw, 3s, 2se, e, ne, 3e, ne, n,
     ne, 2n, open coffin, enter coffin, close lid, (wait till you
     drawed to the warehouse) open lid, leave coffin, w, 4s, 4w, d, 
     board boat, leave boat, 3sw, 2w, 7nw, 2n, nw, 2n, nw, n, w, 3n, w, 
     buy ticket, board ship
 <*> Cheynal is in the Ziggurat
 <*> Ask Cheynal ingredients
 <*> Get a skullcap from the holm or an herb shop, get a rose from the
     garden, get a lilac from the flower stall in the bazaar, fish from
      the fisherman in the bazaar, apple from wherever
 <*> give all to Cheynal
    Ry'nals Gift

 <*> ask elf help, lyrelle, cahor, gift,
 <*> 2e, n, u, s, w, worship jazur, 2e, worship mizrun
 <*> w, exa wall, walk through the wall, 
 <*> exa wall, exa white stones, exa silver runes,
 <*> incant Let that which is but a dream become unseen.
 <*> exa floor, exa slab, exa webcloth, exa basin, worship cahor,
 <*> 2n, d, explore until you find diadem hidden on floor, mine was in scentiments, 
 <*> give diadem to elf
                                                    S Y B A R U S                                                        
    (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection)
    <align - evil>

 <*> (Bakona Bar) 7nw, 2n, nw, 2n, nw, n, w, 4n, buy water
 <*> (Thirsty Dwarf) 4s, e, s, se, 2s, se, 2s, 7se, e, ask thirsty dwarf task
 <*> (Mean-looking Dwarf) w, (listen to dwarf), nod, drop tablet in
     water, e, give water to thirsty dwarf
    (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection)

 <*> (Young Dwarf) 2e, s, ask young dwarf for help, spit dark elf
 <*> (Tower) n, w, open door, 2u, lean out (to check if the elf under
      you), drop tomato out window
    BAKONAS HAT QUEST          
    (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection)
    <align - good>

 <*> (Bakona Bar) 7nw, 2n, nw, 2n, nw, n, w, 4n, ask bakona hat, ask
     bakona type, ask bakona material, ask bakona colour, ask bakona style
 <*> (Bazaar) 4s, e, s, se, 2s, se, 2s, 7se, 2e, 3ne, board boat, leave
 <*> (Hats Shop) u, 3e, tent, say I would like to order hat, choose
     bonnet, material lace, colour green, style tasteful, accept hat,
     (wait till ready), pay for hat
 <*> (Bakona Bar) out, 3w, d, board boat, leave boat, 3sw, 2w, 7nw, 2n,
     nw, 2n, nw, n, w, 4n, give hat to bakona

                                       U T T E R D A R K                                        
 <*> Find a rotten meat in the underdark
 <*> Eat it, and wait for it to tell you to relieve yourself
 <*> Go to the bathroom in Gelan
    MAGIC SQUARE QUEST          
    (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection)

 <*> (Sewers) sw, 2s, w, 5s, ne, 3d, n, d
 <*> (Questmaster) 2ne, n, <3e, ne - for evil aligned>, ask
     <questmaster> help, ask <questmaster> stone
 <*> (Stalagmite) <sw, 3w - for evil aligned>, s, climb stalagmite, get vial
 <*> (Dais) d, n, 3e, 5s, drop all, get vial, get pouch, get torch,
     crawl south, 3s, open pouch, get stones from pouch, count stones
 <*> (Stones Droping) (M = number of stones / 9), nw, drop <M-3>
     stones, s, drop <M+2> stones, s, drop <M+1> stones, e, drop <M-4>
     stones, e, drop <M+3> stones, n, drop <M-2> stones, n, drop <M-1>
     stones, w, drop <M+4> stones, s, drop <M> stones
 <*> (Flame) stand on dais, (wait until you reach the top of the cave),
     open vial, guide flame into vial,
 <*> (Questmaster) climb through hole, ne, e, n, d, 2ne, n, <3e, ne
     for evil aligned>, give vial to <questmaster>
 <*> (Items) <sw, 3w - for evil aligned>, 3e, 5s, get all
                IMP QUEST              
    (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection)

 <*> (Sewers) sw, 2s, w, 5s, ne, 3d
 <*> (Ghost) w, sw, 3n, ask ghost help
 <*> (Crystal 1) 2s, 2ne, exa hole
 <*> (Crystal 2) 2sw, s, nw, w, n, e, ne, enter pool
 <*> (Crystal 3) sw, n, w, exa cracks
 <*> (Crystal 4) e, s, w, s, e, se, 3s, nw, exa hole
 <*> (Rock) se, 3n, ne, e, d, 2ne, n, 3e, ne, e, s, 3 insert crystal in
     hole, get hammer
 <*> (Entrance to Level) n, w, sw, 3w, s, 2sw, u, s
 <*> (Go through Level) kill imp, break statue
 <*> (Ghost) ask ghost reward
          FAT RAT FOR MOM QUEST          
    (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection)

 <*> (Ogre mom) sw, 2s, w, 5s, ne, 3d, n, d, 2ne, n, 3e, 3s, w, n, w, 2n, 
     2e, s, 2w, n
 <*> (Rat trap) exa shelves, exa supplies, search supplies, get rat trap
 <*> Go find some rats. There are everywhere nearby.
     Attack any rat, except a fat rat, and get it's tail when you cut it off.
     Wait until the tail decays and becomes a piece of rotten meat. That 
     usually takes a few minutes.
 <*> Then go to a place where there is at least one FAT rat and 'set trap'.
     Wait until the rat steps inside the trap. If the rat is too smart 
     try again.. - get a new tail and set the trap again as stated above.
 <*> Once you have captured a rat it will be hit unconscious and you just go
     back to the ogre mom and give her the rat.

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